NanJing Liskon Biological Technology Co.,ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Dimethomorph
CAS No: 110488-70-5
Product Type: Agrochemical Intermediates
Product spec: Purity: min. 98.0%; Moisture content: max. 0.5%
Packing: 25kg/kraft bag
Post Time: 2021-05-24
Usage: Dimethomorph is a systemic fungicide which exhibits protectant, curative and antisporulant activities. It is active against fungal diseases such as leaf blight, downy mildew, damping off and foot-rot caused by Phytophthora spp. in/on grapes, potatoes and tomatoes.
Description: Dimethomorph is a systemic fungicide which exhibits protectant, curative and antisporulant activities. It is active against fungal diseases such as leaf blight, downy mildew, damping off and foot-rot caused by Phytophthora spp. in/on grapes, potatoes and tomatoes.
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